WorldShare is a one stop shop showcasing all the Library resources both print and electronic.
Prescribed and recommended books: Academic Reserves
Most recent South African texts and copies of prescribed and recommended books are usually kept in the Academic Reserves sections of the libraries. Academic Reserves materials may not be taken out of the library during the day but may be borrowed overnight or for weekends. An advance booking system is available, please consult the Academic Reserves staff.
General book stock
The general book stock is arranged on the open shelves in number order, most within the number range 004 - 006 for Computer Science and 510 - 519 for Mathematics and Statistics. Undergraduates may borrow 6 items for a two week period. Books may be renewed if not requested by another borrower. This link on the Library's website may be used to track the location and availability of an item.
Dictionaries and encyclopedias
Some specialist print dictionaries and encyclopedias are available in the libraries. There are also some useful online ones.
E books
Most text books are currently not available electronically but a few are. The iLink catalogue will provide the URL where online access is available. The library does subscribe to some online book collections - see the link below.
Springer Mathematics and Statistics online collection of e books
Library Catalogue
The Library catalogue currently contains thousands of ebooks, available to easily view online via your computer or mobile device, or to download to any compatible device.
Browse ebooks by subject using the tree below, or alternatively browse by publisher, see the latest ebooks, or search using the search box at the top of the page.
UKZN Library offers an Interlibrary loan service as well as Inter-campus loans. Interlibrary loans refers to requests received for items not available at UKZN libraries and a team on each campus library will work with this. Inter-campus loans refers to loans between UKZN libraries and such items will be issued to students and staff on their library account.