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08:00-23:00     08:30-12:30  Closed
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08:00-16:30    Closed             Closed


Please also check the Library website as times sometimes change.

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Renee DamonseContact Info:

Cecil Renaud Main Library. Ground Floor. Office 5. Scottsville. Pietermaritzburg.
033 260 5056
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This support guide provides information for undergraduates, graduates and researchers in general in the field of Anthropology.

It is intended to be a starting point for your research. If you are having any problems finding suitable information or just need help getting started, please contact the librarian via email or telephone.

Where are we?

Anthropology is taught on the Howard College Campus in Durban and the Pietermaritzburg campus. Most of the relevant books, journals, theses and other resources are located in the Library. 

Other useful resources can be found in:

For information about undergraduate and graduate courses, please visit the Department of Anthropology website.

UKZN libraries

Libraries are open daily. For further information please contact the relevant library or read the opening hours on the library webpage.

Contact the library on:

PMB 0332605258; HC 0312602323; West 0312607390; Med 0312604261; Edge 0312603467.


If you are using our library resources from outside the university please click on Off Campus Access to be able to access those resources that are available beyond campus. Go to Resources, then Off Campus Access. You will then need to login with your UKZN login and password.

Please ensure you install Global Protect to be able to search resources and benefit from the UKZN zero rated links - see instructions below.


Renewing Library Material

Library material may be renewed as follows:


You can also watch a short video clip on how to renew your library material online by clicking on this link


Off Campus Access

For Off Campus Access you will need a valid LAN username and password.  This refers to the username and password you use to access the computers on campus.

Tips to Get Students Through the Year Successfully!

Tips to Get Students Through the Year Successfully!

Feb 09, 2017

Many problems and challenges university students face during the academic year can be overcome with efficient organisation and planning, says UKZN alumnus and Industrial Relations Consultant, Mr Tsepo Mkhwanazi.

Mkhwanazi (23) of HRTorQue Outsourcing in Durban offers students the following advice to get the most out of 2017:

Plan everything

When studying, working or having to do both, demands are high so scheduling tasks is vital to get the job done and the study work completed successfully. Downtime is crucial but if you don’t plan your own downtime, you will probably never get much!

Accept that your life will not be balanced

If you expect to have a good day and the day becomes challenging, you may struggle to get through it. However, if you accept that it is quite possible that the day could be dreadful and it turns out to be much better than expected, you will be able to take full advantage of the situation.

When working and studying, weekends and evenings are for study and weekdays are for work

My schedule is: 12am to 5am – sleep; 5am to 6am - jogging; 6am to 7am - shower and leave for work; 8am to 4:30pm - work; 5pm to 6:30pm  - change and leave for night class; 7pm-11pm – night class.

I try to stick closely to this schedule, adding extra hours of sleep on weekends and on public holidays.

Exercise is key - you need to be ready for whatever

Mental and physical health are enhanced through regular exercise so make sure you do at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.

Learn to Prioritise

When work pressures start to bear down on you, learn to prioritise tasks and pick up the slack by trading sleep for naps.

Have a good support system

There will, without doubt, be days when you feel very flat, lacking energy and drive.  Those are the times when you need a friend, a confidante, a family member to confide in and help and encourage you to build yourself up again. In my case, I always turned to my girlfriend or my mother who is a very strong but empathetic woman.

Have a cause and have faith

I did my honours degree while working to pay tribute to my late grandfather who always encouraged me to do better. I also did it for myself, to prove I could do whatever I turned my mind to and to prove to people who told me it couldn’t be done that in fact it was possible. I have very strong faith in myself and my abilities.

Some relationships will suffer

If you work while studying, you will probably not have a lot of time to socialise and may end up losing friends. However, true friends will stick by you through thick and thin.

Anxiety is good, procrastination is bad

With always being on the move and working on numerous projects, it is sometimes easy to procrastinate which is a thief of time. I believe there is a big difference between being productive and being so called “busy” which can be a form of laziness.

Have a close relationship with your classmates and lecturers

If you study while working, you will struggle if you do not have a good relationship with colleagues and lecturers.

For example, in instances where I couldn’t attend lectures due to work commitments, classmates covered for me and lecturers helped as well. 

Be part of a study group

Being part of a study group can have huge benefits as long as the leader is informed and efficient, otherwise it could be a case of the blind leading the blind.

On the issue of how to operate during times of student unrest on campus, Mkhwanazi had this advice:

‘Everything in life depends on how you look at it. Students should take advantage of the days the University closes due to unrest. If a deadline gets pushed back because of problems on campus, you get the advantage of an extension and the opportunity to focus on your projects without a distraction. That is where you need to be disciplined and strict and take advantage of the situation.’

On the issue of staying focused, he says this: ‘I know how hard it is to attend university with a disadvantaged background - the odds are stacked against you. You will have problems with housing, finance and other necessities. It pays to always remember why you came to university and get on with your work.’

And the final word: ‘I always wanted to be able to tell my mother to stop working and hand her keys to a brand new house and car. My mom always did her best to make sure we got a good education but that sometimes meant having to go to school on an empty stomach. I grew up wanting more, I knew there was a better life. I wanted to live by the beach, have a good job and give money to my mom every month.

‘I now live near the sea, have a good job and although my mother does not need financial help from me, I do my bit to make her smile as often as I can. That is faith and that is God!’ 

Tsepo Mkhwanazi

Guide for new students

UKZN Libraries Catalogue

Use the iCatalogue (World Cat Local) to search for books, journals and audio-visual materials housed in the library.

Search the catalog:

Online Access

Online access is available on and off campus to a wide range of resources via the library homepage. Use Resources on the top navigation bar to guide you to e-Books and e-Journals.


For help accessing your online library account email:


You may also contact your Circulation Desk or send an email query to:

Edgewood Library  +27 31 2603467

Howard College Library  +27 31 2602323

Medical Library  +27 31 2604261

Pietermaritzburg Library  +27 33 2605258

Westville Library  +27 31 2607390


For further assistance and training, please contact your relevant Subject Librarian

Google Scholar

Google Scholar lets users search for scholarly journal articles, citations, theses, preprints and books availability on the web. It does not always make full text available. However, where full text is available via UKZN databases, a clickable link will be provided.


Google Scholar Search

Past exam papers

Click on the Exam papers link, found under Resources. Then click on the E-Exam paperswebsite link.

2.    Click on the Search & List link.

3.    Thereafter, either choose List options or Search options to search.

4.    Click on the blue arrow to open the PDF.



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