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Education Studies: Theses

What is a thesis?

 A thesis is a detailed report documenting the research work carried out by a student for completion of a higher degree.

Theses can be a valuable source of information, especially for postgraduate students, who need to know what previous research has been done in their field of study, and who want to see examples of theses to help them prepare their own work.

UKZN print and e-theses

Print and electronic theses:

Search the icatalogue for UKZN print and electronic theses. On the Advanced search page, select Item Category and narrow your search to theses and dissertations. All UKZN theses are listed in the icatalogue with a URL link to the electronic full text in ResearchSpace.

UKZN is digitising its theses and storing the electronic fulltext copies in ResearchSpace, the open access institutional respository. ResearchSpace can be searched directly using, author, title or keyword.

Google scholar

Google Scholar Search

International theses databases

Theses and dissertations can also be found by using using Google Scholar, or

  • OpenDOAR (an international directory of academic open access repositories)
All information © 2018 University of KwaZulu-Natal. All rights reserved.