A Scopus ID is a unique identifier assigned to an author within the Scopus database, which is one of the largest abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature. This ID helps to accurately track and manage an author's publications, citations, and other research metrics within Scopus. The Scopus ID ensures that all of an author's work is correctly attributed to them, even if there are variations in how their name is listed across different publications. It also aids in distinguishing between authors with similar names, ensuring precise attribution of research output and citations.
A Google Scholar Citation Profile is a feature within Google Scholar that allows researchers to create a personalized profile showcasing their published work, including articles, conference papers, and books. The profile tracks citations to these publications, automatically updating the citation counts, and provides key bibliometric indicators such as the h-index and i10-index, which measure the impact and influence of the researcher’s work. The profile also helps increase the visibility of a researcher’s contributions within the academic community.
ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. It is a non-profit organization that provides researchers with a unique and persistent digital identifier to distinguish themselves from other researchers and ensure proper attribution of their scholarly work. The ORCID iD is a 16-digit alphanumeric code that serves as a digital fingerprint for researchers.