Most ebooks purchased by the library are listed in the iCatalogue with a link to the full text.
Your lecturers may provide you with links in your module outlines.
Some South African ebooks are only available via the databases Juta and Lexis. Please scroll down this page for a list.
Online access depends on whether publishers make such access available to institutions so there are times when online access will not be available.
The Library's catalogue indicates how many copies and in which libraries and sections, print copies of books are kept. If an e copy exists there will be a link. At the landing page you will see how many ecopies are available. Please scroll down for conditions of using an ebook - left hand column.
Print books on Academic reserves may not be borrowed and have to be used in the library.
The UKZN Library is now investing more consciously in online or e-books ever since the Covid-19 pandemic shut the physical libraries. Not all books are published in the online format and not necessarily for institutional access. Many publishers work through a third party to make their e-books available. Two such third parties that UKZN uses are Ebscohost e- books and Proquest e-books. There are other minor ones such as Kortext.
FINDING E-BOOKS via the UKZN Library page
1. All e-books are listed in the UKZN Library's catalogue with a 'view ebook' tab in every book record. You are then taken to the site where the book is uploaded. A page of information about the book appears - eg number of copies / users, how much can be downloaded or saved etc. The individual chapters are listed with clickable links.
2. E-books tab on the library webpage in the red toolbar. Here you can search immediately for something only in online format. Type the book title, author, or topic into the search box.
3. E-books page via 'Resources' option on the black toolbar. This will take you to a page of options about different e-book collections.
4. Some databases contain e-book collections (UKZN does not necessarily have access to all the books). Once in the database you can choose to search specifically for e-books eg Ebscohost, Proquest etc.
5. Google Scholar and Google Books may also provide partial or full access to ebook content.
Conditions of use are largely determined by the book publisher and affordability.
Botes - Value added tax | |
Corbett et al - Quantum of damages in bodily and fatal injury cases | |
Currie and De Waal - Bill of rights handbook | |
Davel - Commentary on the Children's Act | |
Davis & Olivier - Income tax in SA | |
Du Toit et all - Commentary on the Criminal Procedure Act | |
Erasmus - Superior court practice | |
Forsythe & Pretorius - Caney's law of suretyship | |
Fuggle & Rabie - Environmental management in SA | |
Grogan - Workplace law (in the labour library) | |
Hare - Shipping and admiralty jurisdiction | |
Henderson - Environmental laws of SA | |
Jones & Buckle - Civil practice of the magistrates courts in SA | |
Mars - Law of insolvency | |
Ramsden - Law of arbitration | |
Smythe et al - Sexual offences commentary | |
Van der Walt & Pienaar - Constitutional property law | |
Woolman & Bishop - Constitutional law of South Africa |
LEXIS (unless otherwise indicated, the books listed are up to date to 2021/2022).
In Lexis the books are located in the content category called 'Commentary' in the left hand column. They are then further arranged alphabetically under topic headings as per below