From 10 February:
AI guidelines
UKZN Principles and guidelines on the use of generative artificial intelligence tools in academic work
If you are getting to the library web page from off campus, please make sure you download Global Protect first so that you can safely and easily search.
The Global Protect app is now available from Google Play store for you to download onto cell phones.
If you are working remotely you need to get to databases etc via the Off campus route - on the library home page - hold your mouse over Resources on the black toolbar and the last option is off campus access. You will get to a list of databases and the catalogue. Once you click on any option you will be asked for your lan login before you can proceed.
Open your wifi then GP.
The Law and Legal Studies support guide provides information for undergraduates, graduates and researchers in general in the field of Law. A series of tabs at the top of this page introduce you to the information resources and activities you will need for your studies - what they are and how to access and use them.
Umthetho kanye nezifundo zomthetho zinikezela ngezinsiza kufunda ekutholeni ulwazi kubafundi abaqalayo kanye nabafundi abaphothulile izifundo zabo noma abaphothulile kuziqu zabo kanye nabacwaningi kwindima yezomthetho. Kunochungechunge lwamabhathini phezulu nepheji lapho uzothola khona umtapo wolwazi kanye nolwazi oluphathelene nezifundo zakho-Ukwazi ukuthi zitholakalaphi futhi zisetsheziswa kanjani bese uzisebenzise.
Where are we?
The School of Law is located on the Pietermaritzburg and Howard College, Durban campuses. Both law centres have their own physical libraries containing a range of printed sources as well as study space, photocopiers and computers. Those resources that are available electronically are accessible from the tabs on this page.
Off campus access is also available for some online resources. You will see the list of databases available. Once you have clicked on a database name, you may be asked to type in your usual student / staff login to authenticate yourself (the login you use for Learn).
Google Scholar is a subset of Google that indexes more formal and scholarly literature in the public domain. It thus includes references to journal articles, Google Books, documents and reports etc. Google Scholar can only provide full text access to documents where they are freely available. If UKZN Library pays for full text access to resources listed in Google Scholar, clicking on the title of an item will take you to the location of that full text.
Cordell Phillips: PhillipsC@ukzn.ac.za; 033 260 5904
Location: Ground floor, Office 2, Main library, Pmb campus
Subjects: Criminology; History; Information Studies; Law and Legal Studies; Political Studies
Bronwyn Tayler x5384; email: TaylerB@ukzn.ac.za
Cordell Phillips (based in main library - see profiles box for details)
Law library phone: 033 260 5384