The 'icatalogue' function on World Cat Local tells you what physical, digital and multimedia resources (books, journals, articles, DVDs, theses etc) are available in world libraries including UKZN. The UKZN library catalogue is now integrated into this world catalogue.
The catalogue also includes access to online resources such as journal articles, e books and more.
There are two ways of searching. The main search box is the basic level. Type in words, a title or author into the search box. Once you get a results list, limit your search by format, time period etc (from the left hand side column). UKZN library resources are listed first in the results. Results are presented in terms of relevance; this can be changed to reflect newest first, by title etc.
The advanced search allows you to be more specific before you you actually run a search (right hand side under the main search box). Scroll down the page where you can indicate a UKZN only search, limit by date, format and it is possible to combine different kinds of search terms. In advanced search you can also select your own databases to search.
A Guide to using World Cat Local is available.
Training sessions on how to use the new system will be offered at the beginning of each semester, or ask a subject librarian.
Prescribed and recommended books: Academic Reserves
Most recent South African texts and copies of prescribed and recommended books are usually kept in the Academic Reserves sections of the main libraries. Academic Reserves materials may not be taken out of the library.
The Library's webpage has an option called Course Reserves (under the Resources tab) which provides information about all the books on Academic Reserves per campus.
General book stock
The general book stock is arranged on the open shelves in number order, most within the number range 330---339. Undergraduates may borrow 6 items for a two week period. Books may be renewed if not requested by another borrower. Icatalogue on World Cat Local on the Library's website may be used to track the location and availability of an item. See below for guides to the numbering system for economics and finance books.
Please click on the Theses and Dissertations tab at the top of this page
Use the icatalogue to identify print and electronic theses and books in UKZN libraries.
Under the “Resources” tab, go to ‘General Resources’ and click on “Software Guides”.
If a book you need is not available because it has been borrowed or is on order, etc, and it is available at another UKZN campus, you can request to borrow the book. This is only if it is not on Academic Reserves at another campus.
Go to the Circulation desk and fill in the details of the book and your details into the inter campus loans register. When you fill in the details of the book, you will need to add the OCLC number. This number you can get from the icatalogue. Look up the book on the icatalogue, click on its title and then 'view description' to find the OCLC number.
If you need a book and it is not available at UKZN, you may be able to borrow it from another South African library. If the book is listed in the icatalogue, you can click on the inter library loan request button or send the details to:
Click inter library loans for more details on this process.
Academic Reserves material cannot be removed from the library - the day is divided into two hour slots to allow as many users as possible to have access.
You must produce your student card to be able to borrow items.
Books on Academic Reserves In Pmb