All the databases accessible to UKZN staff and students are available under the 'Resources' option on the black toolbar of the Library page.
If an article you need is not available in our databases, contact your subject librarian and we will do a double-check. You can submit an article request to: Be sure to put in FULL details of the item you want; not just a DOI or url. Include your name, department, student number etc.
Online indexes are databases of bibliographic records. These databases can be full text or abstracts. Databases cover books and other formats, but the primary reason to use an online database is to identify articles in journals and magazines. Important note: databases are either discipline specific or multidisciplinary. Sabinet is a database that focuses on South African publications. It is important for you as the researcher to establish which databases best suit your field of study.
Searching the databases:
Sabinet is a collection of South African publications including South African journals. the journals are divided into two basic collections. The two large journal collections are: Index to SA Periodicals - an index only; and SA e publications containing articles available full text.