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Economics and Finance: Research Information

Research cycle

Identify the research area
What kind of research are you doing and what is the research question/s and / or hypothesis that you wish to answer?
Design the research study
There are various broad types of research in law which may be qualitative or quantitative and each requires a particular methodology:

  Undertake a preliminary literature review and draw up a research proposal for your supervisor. Check whether ethical clearance is needed

Carry out research
Know your library collection in both print and electronic, know the tools for searching for information and understand how to evaluate resources. Situate your research within current research. Collect your evidence to answer your research question. Click on the Books, Journals, Databases and Theses tabs above for more information on sources of information and toolsA very useful  brief guide to aspects of the literature review and types of reviews etc has been put together by Chimene Tucker of the Unviersity of S California.
Analyse research results
What does your research / data collection tell you and in relation to your research question?
Publish research results
In what format / style must your thesis be written; ensure your referencing is correct and you have avoided plagiarism (click on the Referencing tab above)

Research methodology books

1. General research methodology, methods and design books are located in

  • the main libraries at 001.42... and 300.7...
  • there is also a permanent display on the ground floor of the Pmb main library and these display books may be borrowed
  • certain key texts are kept on Academic Reserves: Newman; Creswell; Babbie and Mouton; Ritchie; Silverman.

 How to succeed in your master's and doctoral studies : a South African guide and
resource book (808.02 MOU)

2. Books on academic and thesis writing and referencing (808.06634)

UKZN Research Office

Research Office

The Research Office provides all research related policies, funding opportunities and links to the DHET accredited journal lists that are used for publishing and funding purposes

Ethical clearance form

Ethical clearance applications are now done online via the RIG system. Every postgrad is automatically linked to RIG. Login with your UKZN login details.

Go to: and enter your login details. On the top right hand side of the next screen click on the + sign next to 'add new content' and click on 'ethics applications'. At the next screen there are two options - a humanities form and a biosciences form. There are 4 sections to fill in.

It is a good idea to have your proposal done as part of the application form requires a literature review etc which you can then copy and paste from your proposal.

All information © 2018 University of KwaZulu-Natal. All rights reserved.