Undertake a preliminary literature review and draw up a research proposal for your supervisor. Check whether ethical clearance is needed
1. General research methodology, methods and design books are located in
How to succeed in your master's and doctoral studies : a South African guide and
resource book (808.02 MOU)
2. Books on academic and thesis writing and referencing (808.06634)
The Research Office provides all research related policies, funding opportunities and links to the DHET accredited journal lists that are used for publishing and funding purposes
Ethical clearance applications are now done online via the RIG system. Every postgrad is automatically linked to RIG. Login with your UKZN login details.
Go to: https://rig.ukzn.ac.za/ and enter your login details. On the top right hand side of the next screen click on the + sign next to 'add new content' and click on 'ethics applications'. At the next screen there are two options - a humanities form and a biosciences form. There are 4 sections to fill in.
It is a good idea to have your proposal done as part of the application form requires a literature review etc which you can then copy and paste from your proposal.