UKZN Library no longer has its own independent catalogue, but is part of a world catalogue of libraries. The new library website opens up to the icatalogue. Type in key words. Once you get a results list, UKZN books and journal articles show up first. From the left hand column, refine your search by format eg books, theses etc
Prescribed and recommended books in high demand are placed in the part of the library called Academic Reserves. A two hour loan period is available in order to provide access to as many people as possible. Material may not be removed from the library during the day. Currently material may not be borrowed overnight or for weekends. You may search to see what has been placed on academic reserves by clicking on the Course reserves button on the library page. You can search by course code, department, lecturer etc. There are course reserves options per campus so make sure you choose the right campus!
Be warned! Late material is subject to heavy fines!
UKZN Library offers an Inter campus library loans and an Inter-Library Loans (ILL) facility through which books can be borrowed from other UKZN campus libraries and libraries in the country if available. Most times there is no charge for borrowing a book. Copies of journal articles may also be requested and if it cannot be scanned and emailed there is a fee for this.
Set up a 'my library account' from the library webpage and you will be able to submit requests online via the catalogue.
On the national system SABINET, the collection SACat indicates what books are in which library in the country.
History books are given numbers according to the Dewey Decimal System - these shelf numbers keep related books together by subject on the shelves. You can follow the numbers like a street address to find a family of related books all together on the shelf. The main number for History in general is 900.
The following are broad subject areas for history:
320 Political History
330.9 Economic History
337.7 Environmental History
900 General History
907.2 Historiography
909 World History
911 Historical atlases
930 Ancient History
940 European History
950 History of Asia and the Far East
960 African History
968 South African History
970 North American History
980 South American History
990 History of Australasia and other areas
Recommend new books to be ordered by sending the titles to subject librarians.
Reference books
These are books that are not loanable and may only be used in the library, for example, encyclopaedias and dictionaries. They are identified by the letter 'R' preceding the dewey number on the spine.
Some online reference books
Some key reference books in print in the UKZN libraries are: