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History: Dissertations & theses

Theses at UKZN

  • The Library receives one electronic copy of each doctoral and masters thesis accepted by the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
  • Earlier print theses are not generally available for loan.
  • Search on World Cat Local  (icatalogue tab) for theses, by author, title or subject. If the thesis is available electronically, the link will be available. Or you may go directly to ResearchSpace.

  • Electronic copies of theses are deposited in ResearchSpace - the online repository of the University of KwaZulu-Natal. It houses the full text of all new theses issued by the university. In addition, the library is at present involved in a project to digitise all past theses from the university, so many of these are also available full text. You can go directly to ResearchSpace to search theses by author, title or subject.


Databases for theses


Google Scholar Logo

Theses and dissertations can also be found by using Google Scholar.

 The following links will direct you to databases of theses / dissertations.
UCTD (Union Catalogue of Dissertations and Theses) via SABINET provides an index to all Masters and PhD theses completed in South Africa since 1918. This is the most comprehensive index to South African theses. LInks to theses now online are provided.


Current and Completed Research Covers South African research projects in various disciplines including masters and doctoral theses of SA universities and technikons as well as information on research projects from NGOs, the private sector and government departments.

Nexus - Current and Completed Research Projects is searchable via Current and Completed Research as above. However, you may also go directly to the the Nexus database. is an international databse of open access theses and dissertations

Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global - this is one of the largest datbases indexing theses and many theses are available full text

History theses added to UKZN ResearchSpace

Click the following link to browse History collection of dissertations and theses added to the ResearchSpace:

New History theses @ UKZN

All information © 2018 University of KwaZulu-Natal. All rights reserved.