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Geography: Home

Electronic Resources

Library orientation PowerPoint presentation

Information searches self-help guides

GEOG 110 - e-Book (prescribed text)

Past exam papers

Past exam papers for June 2012, June 2013 and June 2014 are now available - click on the Past exam papers tab at the top of this page.

ENVS 314 assignment!

You are required to find 5 print journals:

Some possibilities are:

  • Journal of Biogeography (Life Sciences Library)
  • Global ecology and biogeography (Life Sciences Library)
  • Landscape Ecology (Life Sciences Library)
  • South African Geographical Journal (Main library)
  • South African Journal of Science (Main library)
  • Progress in Physical Geography (Main library)
  • National geographic (Main library)
  • Professional Geographer (Main library - print ceased in 2001)

Look at the article you were given and from the reference list you will see what journals the authors have used. Check the library's iLink catalogue to see if we have them in print.

The Writing Place (Pmb)

Do you need help with your academic writing?

Do you have an essay/project/assignment due?

Are you having difficulty with your tutorials?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then the Writing Place is for you!!

If you would like to book a session with a tutor, or for further enquiries, contact Stella Sabi:


This Geography support page provides information for undergraduates, graduates and researchers in general in the field of Geography. This guide introduces you to the different information resources and associated activities in the academic environment.

 Where are we?

Geography is taught on the Pietermaritzburg and Westville campuses. Each campus has a physical library where relevant books, journals, theses and other resources can be located. Online access is available on and off campus to a wide range of resources.

For off campus access you will need to authenticate yourself first with your university lan login and password. Not all databases provide off campus access. It is best to access the University site via Firefox.




The iCatalogue lists all the resources available at UKZN, but particularly those items in print - books, journals, theses, as well as audio visual materials. You can register on iCatalogue to be able to renew your books online and view what you have borrowed from the library and when items are due back. iCatalogue will tell you what we have, which library and whereabouts on the shelf it is available.

Search the catalog:

Off campus access

Google scholar

Google Scholar Search

Plagiarism coversheet for assignments

IT-related issues

All queries should be directed to this email address i.e.  

Students can contact the Student helpdesk on their campus:

Edgewood: tel: 031-2603498 during office hours only or email:
Howard College: tel: 031-2601171 during office hours only or email:
Medical School: tel: 031-2604568 during office hours only or email:
Pietermaritzburgn: tel: 033-2605989 during office hours only or email:
Westville: tel: 031-2607818 during office hours only or email:

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Shorba Harkhu
Life Sciences Library, UKZN PMB Campus, Carbis Road, John Bews Building, Block B, 3rd floor

Subject Librarian

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Ashika Pramlal
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Westville Campus Main Library
B 318

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Jillian Viljoen
Office 1
Ground Floor
Cecil Renaud (Main) Library
All information © 2018 University of KwaZulu-Natal. All rights reserved.