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All ebooks that UKZN subscribes to are listed in the catalogue with a button to click to get to the full text. Most books are housed on the Ebscohost and Proquest platforms. The catalogue itself does not contain the full text, when you click on the link you are taken to the place where the ebook is housed. Number of copies available, conditions of use, downloadability etc are all dictated by the publishers and provided on the home screen of each book.
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Please go to the EBSCOhost e-books guide for additional information and assistance.
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Many of the Publishers (suppliers / vendors) require you to register / login on their page.
You may be required to download Adobe Digital Editions on your device to download eBooks.
Please look at the Help icons or links on the ebooks pages for assistance from the Publisher (supplier/ vendor). Most have guides, videos, etc.
You can use any electronic device to access ebooks.